Let’s face it – sex toys and accessories can get pretty expensive. The world of BDSM has become a popular starting point for people who want to explore a more adventurous sex life but don’t know exactly where to begin. But the initial steps they take into the world of sexual adventurousness often results in a quick lesson about economics – being a freak sure ain’t cheap.
When you’re still exploring and finding out what you like – and, conversely, what you don’t – you really don’t want to invest a lot of money in the toys and accessories that come with sexual exploration. Even a cheap riding crop will run you close to $30 and, let’s face it, if spanking ends up not being your thing, the only other function it will serve is as a flyswatter for champion-level users.
So what can you do when you want to be get freaky without blowing a bunch of cash? It’s time to get creative! So roll up your sleeves, get ready to do some sexual improve and let’s hit up everything you can find at dollar stores, odd lot shops and home improvement clearance bins.
Nipple Clamps – They Hurt
Nipple play is a predominant feature in even light BDSM movies, stories and fantasies. But here’s something a lot of people don’t consider: nipple clamps actually hurt a really lot. Want to find out if your pain threshold overlaps with your pleasure centres? Grab a bag of clothes pins for under a buck. Clever users can weaken the spring by bending them back a bit if needed. But if you can’t stand the idea (much less the reality) of putting the pins on your nips, save yourself the money you’d spend on high end clamps.
Spatulas and Spanking
The kitchen section of any cheap shop offers up a number of options when it comes to sexy spankers. Spatulas are a pretty obvious choice but don’t underestimate the wallop you can pack into a wooden spoon or even a frosting spreader.
The Big One
Of course, there’s one thing you can find in a dollar store that does actually have a pretty revered place in the hearts of many BDSM practitioners: The Hairbrush. A hairbrush delivers a spanking with a bite unlike anything else. It’s a special kind of pain and for many Doms and their subs a Real Spanking can only be carried out with a hairbrush. Granted, BDSM couples committed to the life often invest in pretty high-end brush options but the pain delivered by a $1 plastic brush with the spiky bristles is going to ensure you bottom gets just as seasoned as a $100 option.
Tied Up, Tied Down, Up Against the Wall
The cheaper the shop, he shittier the rope – it’s a truism you learn as you get older and gain a better understanding of the importance of rope quality. (Trust me on this) Most of the time, that means you have to be willing to pay more to get what you want but for people testing out the bondage world, shitty rope is exactly what you need. Nylon rope that will fray after a few uses will give you the chance to experiment with knot tying while giving you and your partner plenty of wiggle room (literally) in case you forget how to untie the knots and if you simply decide it isn’t for you.
Ties, Socks and Gaudy Ribbons
Depending on how cheap the store is, you should be able to find ties, socks, hair ribbons or other stand ins for blindfolds and softer restraints. It doesn’t matter of they aren’t your style in a fashion sense as long as they get the job done.
Wax Candles
The ones you find at the dollar store may not be as nice as ones you can pick up for triple the price elsewhere but they still burn and hot wax is hot wax. Find out if melting a on your bare skin is a turn on or a turn off without investing too much.
Looking at these items with some perversion in mind gets the creative juices flowing. Have fun experimenting and be sure to share if you end up thinking of any others to add to the list!